Stocking: Whatever! Here's a newsflash, Flatty McFlatterson, all the weight I gain goes straight to my boobs and I am okay with that!.Panty: You do realize that if you only eat sweet shit, you're going to end up a Fatty McFatterson.Stocking: You know I don't like spicy food!.We cool? Look, hooker, I'm trying to be fucking nice here. I'll let you steal some of my food if that'll make you feel better. Stocking: I do not understand how I can ever be related to you.Panty: Remember that time when I told you to relax? You need some inner fucking peace.Your's looks like a hooter's asshole exploded! Look at your toilet! Look at your bathtub! Look at what you put in your mouth and I'm not just talking about dick! You're nothing but a filthy, hoe-bagging thief!
Stocking: JESUS! You always have to fuck up everything, don't you!? This is my room. Panty:Okay you need to relax chica it's called pudding, not the end of the world.
Stocking: Motherbitch! I knew it! Its' pudding Panty you knew it was gonna be sweet cut the crap. Panty:Oh your talking about pudding right! Well yes, I did eat that but it was disgusting sugary as shit. Panty:Uh why would you just assume it was me. Stocking: My pudding is gone, you twat! Pu-dding! Its' special ordered form heaven and has a 500 year waiting list DAMN IT!! that pudding is legendary. Panty:My hangover is saying your too fucking loud I mean unless your like missing your period or something that would suck. Stocking: Shit! Goddamn it! Not here! Not here! Not here! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!. Undertsandably they tend to argue over insingifigances the closer they get the more they clash it is the way of things at least until they grow up that is. Friends are the family you chose siblings are the strangers with whom you live.
Garterbelt:Siblings: they don't always look the same they don't always act the same and they certainly don't always have the same taste in the oppisite sex or same sex depending.